Brief biography (profession, hobbies, passions, etc.): * I work in the health care industry, I’m around a lot of sick people so it helps me realize that if I am healthy and alive, my size doesn’t matter! This is why carnival has become a passion for me, soca music and carnival is all about good times and good vibes, that’s what I’m all about ! How and when did you first start playing mas? * I first played Mas in a costume in 2016, and since then Carnival can’t miss me! It has become a hobby to travel the world celebrating my culture. I can’t get enough of de road! What carnival experience has been your favourite (and most proud) to date? * Bahamas Carnival 2018, it was my first time playing Mas outside my home country. Now I wanna travel all over the Caribbean and experience Mas What are some of your must-have carnival essentials? Fanny pack, portable charger, cow bell or whistle for making noise!! Desc...