Brief biography (profession, hobbies, passions, etc.): *
I'm an HR professional working for a telecommunications company. Travel is my passion! I love traveling for both for carnival and family time away. I also enjoy going to fetes and spending time with friends.
How and when did you first start playing mas? *
I played mas for the first time in 2012. Visited Trinidad for Carnival that year, but felt it would only be right to play mas in my city first. I have been playing ever since! :)
What carnival experience has been your favourite (and most proud) to date? *
Playing in Trinidad has been my best experience so I go every year(for the most part) since 2012.
What are some of your must-have carnival essentials?
lanacane anti-chafing gel
comfortable footwear
great company
drink on the road
music flowing
Describe your perfect mas experience:
My perfect mas experience is a good mix of soca playing(not just current songs), drinks are flowing, truck stopping often enough for the masqueraders to enjoy themselves and everyone having a good time :)
What would you like to tell people about mas, that they may not know?
Everyone should have at least one mas experience in their lives. It's a time to release all your body image cares and enjoy yourself.
Would you change anything about playing mas in your city?
I wish we had all inclusive bands and the fun didn't end so early.
If you could play mas with one soca artist, who would it be, and why?
Destra! she seems like so much fun to be around in that setting
Do you think there is currently an unspoken age or size limit on playing mas?
Do you wish to explain further?
I think people add this to themselves. I hear people smaller than me saying they are "too big" or "too old" to play mas, but I think most bands will adjust costumes to fit and I see a lot of older people playing mas.
Do you have a message of encouragement for the #everyBODYplayahmas network? *
Keep doing what you're doing! I think it's amazing that you showcase masqueraders of all sizes :)
Tell us about your journey to becoming a confident woman:
I've learned a long time ago you have to love you in any skin you're in. If you do not love yourself you can't expect others to love you
Do you have any mentors/role models who have inspired you along the way?
not that I can think of
How do you think movements like #everyBODYplayahmas assist masqueraders?
I think it provides comfort for those who are considering playing mas by seeing that all shapes and sizes can play and have a great time.
Please list any contact details you would like added to the post (ex. Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, SnapChat, Pinterest, etc) *
instagram: @kesha625
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